Woods Creek Trail Map
Link to high resolution map

The Woods Creek Trail, Lexington Virginia

Brittany Robertson

This map of the Woods Creek trail highlights some of the features to see and other useful information for those interested in visiting the trail.

The Woods Creek trail is a short, urban trail that runs along the Woods Creek and passes through two college campuses (Washington & Lee and Virginia Military Institute) and several parks. It's located near several other trails, which are noted on the map.

timber-frame pavillion Timber-frame pavillion seen from trail on Virginia Military Institute campus.
trail entrance sign Woods Creek Trail Entrance Sign.
old railroad tunnel Old railroad tunnel seen from the trail.

Trail data was collected using a SX Blue II+ GNSS receiver. The streams and water bodies, roads, and building data were acquired from the Virginia GIS Clearinghouse. Conserved lands data was acquired from the Department of Conservation and Recreation.

View more information about the project.

Published June 15, 2022.